With Sebastian Wiedemann: “Ecologías post-naturales del cine experimental latinoamericano reciente: Un diálogo entre Sebastian Wiedemann & Byron Davies.” La furia umana, 46, 127−133 (2025); dossier: “Nature/Ch’ixi/Culture and the Cinemas of Latin America,” edited by Salomé Lopes Coelho, Mariana Cunha, and Angela Prysthon.
“Mythopoesis from Tenochtitlán: Annalisa D. Quagliata Blanco’s ¡Aoquic iez in Mexico! / ¡Ya México no existirá más!” Millenium Film Journal (MFJ) no. 80 (fall 2024): 52-63.
“The Time of a Missing People: Elliptically Uncovering the Workday of the ‘Extra’ in Bruno Varela’s Papeles Secundarios (2004) and Cuerpos Complementarios (2022).” Philosophies 9.5 (2024), 154. Special issue, “Cinema and Philosophy: Exploring the Intersections of Time, Identity, Ethics and Aesthetics,” edited by Bernd Herzogenrath.
“Formalism expanded.” Necsus_European Journal of Media Studies 13 (1), Spring 2024, 308-315. Review essay of The Shape of Motion: Cinema and the Aesthetics of Movement by Jordan Schonig (Oxford University Press, 2022) and Disformations: Affects, Media, Literature by Tomáš Jirsa (Bloomsbury Academic, 2021).
Bilingual curatorial text for retrospective of filmmaker Saul Levine in Mexico City and Oaxaca City, collaboration between Salón de Cines Múltiples (SACIMU) and Laboratorio Experimental de Cine (LEC). June 27-July 3, 2024.
With Bruno Varela: “The Machine of the Future (La máquina de futuro): A film and an expanded cinema assemblage.” English version of “La máquina de futuro.” Catalog of the third edition of the Umbrales experimental film section of the FICUNAM film festival. June 2024.
“Mitopoiesis de Tenochtitlán: ¡Aoquic iez in Mexico! / ¡Ya México no existirá más!” Spanish version of essay on film by Annalisa D. Quagliata. Los experimentos. May 31, 2024.
With Bruno Varela: “La máquina de futuro.” Los Experimentos. February 15, 2024.
“Errant Telenovelas.” The Baffler. June 15, 2023.
“TV Time, Recurrence, and the Situation of the Spectator: An Approach via Stanley Cavell, Raúl Ruiz, and Ruiz’s Late Chilean Series Litoral.” Television with Stanley Cavell in Mind, edited by David LaRocca and Sandra Laugier (Exeter: University of Exeter Press, 2023), 191-221.
“From Archival Footage to Cosmovisión: Bruno Varela’s El Prototipo.” Millenium Film Journal (MFJ) no. 77 (spring 2023): 56-63. English version of “El Prototipo de Bruno Varela: del metraje de archivo a la cosmovisión.”
“Light and Its Secrets: Sandra Luz López Barroso.” / “La luz y sus secretos: Sandra Luz López Barroso.” Bilingual essay. Los Experimentos (April 6, 2023). Also published on the website of López Barroso.
“El Prototipo de Bruno Varela: del metraje de archivo a la cosmovisión.” Desistfilm, in collaboration with the 2022 edition of the Cámara Lúcida film festival in Cuenca, Ecuador. November 14, 2022. Also republished in Los Experimentos (February 8, 2023).
With Julián Madero: “Land: An Interview with Kon Trubkovich.” Onda MX, July 14, 2022.
“Found Footage at the Receding of the World.” Screen 63.1 (2022): 123-129.
“Cavell on Color.” Conversations 9 (2021): 90-113.
“The Specter of the Electronic Screen: Bruno Varela’s Reception of Stanley Cavell.” Movies with Stanley Cavell in Mind, edited by David LaRocca (London and New York: Bloomsbury, 2021), 72-90.
“Accidents Made Permanent: Theater and Automatism in Stanley Cavell, Michael Fried, and Matías Piñeiro.” Modern Language Notes (MLN) Comparative Literature Issue 135.5 (2020): 1283-1314.
“The Affective and the Political: Rousseau and Contemporary Kantianism.” Tópicos, Revista de Filosofía 59 (2020): 301-339.
“Remembering Stanley Cavell.” Conversations 7 (2019): 65-68. Memorial notice for Stanley Cavell originally published on the Harvard Philosophy Department website.
“Individuality and Mortality in the Philosophy of Portrait-Painting: Simmel, Rousseau, and Melanie Klein.” Contrastes. Revista Internacional de Filosofía 23.3 (2018): 27-52.
Review of Toril Moi, Revolution of the Ordinary (University of Chicago Press, 2017). Modern Language Notes (MLN) Comparative Literature Issue 133.5 (2018): 1416-1419.
“Espectadores, Gigantes e Infancia: Jean-Jacques Rousseau y Víctor Erice.” Correspondencias. Cine y Pensamiento, Issue 6, Summer 2018. Spanish version with additions of “Spectators and Giants in Rousseau and Víctor Erice.”
“Speech, the Affective, and the Insult in Not Being Believed: Rousseau and Adam Smith.” The Adam Smith Review, vol. 11, edited by Fonna Forman (London: Routledge, 2018), 53-66. Part of a symposium on Rousseau and Smith.
“Spectators and Giants in Rousseau and Víctor Erice.” Aesthetics for Birds, September 28, 2016.
“An Autobiography of Companions.” Modern Language Notes (MLN) 126.5 (2011): 972-978. Part of a symposium on Stanley Cavell’s Little Did I Know held at the Johns Hopkins Humanities Center in 2011.