I’m a researcher in philosophy, film programmer, and visual artist; I’m originally from the U.S. and I have been a naturalized Mexican citizen since 2025. From 2024 to 2026 I will hold a Marie Skłodowska-Curie fellowship with the Aresmur research group in aesthetics and art theory at the University of Murcia in Spain, undertaking the research project “Materialism and Geographic Specificity in the Philosophy of Film.” From 2018-2020 I was a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Institute for Philosophical Research, National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), and just prior to that I completed my PhD in the Department of Philosophy at Harvard University.

I have published on a variety of figures in aesthetics, social philosophy, psychoanalysis, and related topics, including Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Georg Simmel, Melanie Klein, and Stanley Cavell, as well as on philosophical themes related to Latin American (especially Mexican) and experimental cinema. In recent years I have taught courses on aesthetics, utopias, and the Marxist theory of ideology.

I’m a member of the Oaxaca, Mexico-based film exhibition and programming collective Salón de Cines Múltiples (SACIMU), and I also collaborate in the management in Mexico City of the Fisura International Festival of Experimental Film and Video. I have also collaborated in film programs at Mexico’s Cineteca Nacional and Centro de Cultura Digital, the Cámara Lúcida festival in Cuenca, Ecuador, and at Northwestern University’s Block Museum. Additionally, in Mexico I have been an invited speaker at the FICUNAM and Ambulante festivals. My writings on film and media have appeared in Screen, Millenium Film Journal, The Baffler, Desistfilm, Los Experimentos, and NECSUS_European Journal of Media Studies, among other places. Some of my writings on philosophy, film, and aesthetics are available here.

My drawings and paintings have been included in exhibitions in Mexico and the U.S., and belong to private collections in Los Angeles, Madrid, Mexico City, New Dehli, New York, and San Francisco. A selection of my art is available here.